Winter Magnolia

Winter Magnolia

150 / a blooming opens on the back yard magnolia tree— from the lowest branch pulls a bud: as a blunt tongue or pale phallus-shaped shaft —


  1. Even without the photo I could see this. And even without the nod to phallus there's an matter-of-fact eroticism to it.

  2. In this verse I specifically wanted to tilt the preconceived notions of how tanka/haiku are usually represented. By showing more of a provocative image, or by using an "ugly," tarnished concept in these short verses (as mentioned back in a post from 2012) a fuller experience of reality can be achieved... but increasingly I find it difficult to actually follow this train of thought.

  3. That 'subversion' is just perfect! What should poetry do but reveal life in all its complexity? It's surely the attempt to capture it all - the imperfect but truly perfect reality? The beautiful 'whole'?
    Poetry has always felt 'religious' to me. That we sense the numinous in and through it. (And I mean 'religious' in only the abstract-est of ways as I'm no believer).
    Your intentions - to change the filter; to upset preconception and force us to see things from another angle - this is something I can really appreciate.


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