This Is Not What You Think

The tar within the body is expelled.

The buildup of tar within the body, the system, expelled by the body itself, removing the heavy coarse tar, the thick black oil in the body refused, forced into a lump of tar, the rejected proteins, the stains of past blood pushed from the shell of the physical as a coal, a distillation of tissue, natural deposits within the body removed, the accumulation of past memories expunged, emptied,

The body no longer the same body, now removed from itself, the tar that was itself now something other, cast out, an idea abandoned, as a man leaving his family without warning, disappearing down a gravel road of his personal tragedy, the dust and shells shifting to fresh laid tar, newer memories, the past self expunged, a stain, the slick oils circling the surface of marsh waters, slick rainbows pooling above the disheveled body of swampland, erasing itself, motioning backwards, from existence to absence, presence to nothingness, that thick blackness of nil coating the inside of every body, simply waiting, placing itself for the removal, upheaval, and final expulsion into light.


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