Modern Rhetoric in Less Transformative Fashions

Around the middle of the day Brendan and I sat on the couch, he breaking down Lego toys into blocks and polygons, various components of building shapes.

(#Rant #Observation #Rambling)
On the other side I broke down phrases, fragmented sentences to basic understandings— down to the bare scene, heavy imagery.
This past term provided me some different observations of the average student mentality—. No. Strike that. Redact. Reduce. Retract. I cannot formulate the commentary correctly. Certain phrases need strengthening before I propose a theory.

On the other hand, I have noticed, however, people in general seem to interpret metaphors in a different fashion than in years past—as if the building blocks of poetry were processed in the modern rhetoric in less transformative fashions. (Repetitive redundancy.)

They (people, students) expect symbols to be more obvious and less applicable to multiple ideas at one time. (#Rant #Observation #Rambling)


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